Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I haven't blogged in a while, and have been trying to figure out what I wanted my next post to be about. Then I thought what is the one thing I have on my mind every single day... my weight. Now I think I speak for most girls when I say that how much we weigh is something that takes over our lives. From "how many calories does that have" to "ok if I run for an hour, I can burn off that cookie I ate for breakfast" ( ok probably a little more than that) but you get my point. It is ridiculous. I blame peers, and media for it though. I remember being in Junior high and running in gym class when this boy behind me went "boom boom boom" every time my feet touched the ground, then proceeded to call me a rhino. What an a** right? I think that is where bad body image first started with me. ( My friends laugh when I tell this story but it really did hurt me).Then through out Junior High and High school little comments people would say, or wouldn't say that I was obviously overly sensitive to, and would have melt downs over. Sometimes I think about the things my friends said, and really I can't believe they were my friends. (guy friends none the less). And you wonder why so many girls have eating disorders.
My best friend Sage and I then decided to be each others back bones and always lift the other up when we were feeling "fat". We would literally stand in the mirror and sing " You are beautiful no matter what they say" Even if our muffin top was hanging over our jeans. It didn't matter. Another saying that was famous, still is. When ever I would say "ugh I'm fat" said without missing a beat Sage would reply with yes you are phat, with a P.H.A.T. Which stands for "pretty hot and tempting". Which always turned me feeling sorry for myself into a joke.( I don't know what I would do without Sage).
I gained a pound, or fifteen this last year...wth!?
It really put a damper on my Summer, but then I had a genius idea, maybe instead of going to Molca Salsa and laying by the pool, I could start eating better and start freakin exercising. Ok but I am pretty sure any college student can agree that fitting that into your schedule/affording it/ having motivation after studying 4 hrs a day, is really the last thing you want to do. In my defense my whole Summer consisted of sitting in a classroom, and being a stress case. But let's be honest. In all reality there is no reason for us to not put down the Twinkie and hop on the tred mill. Many people use every excuse in the book as to why they "don't have time" to work out.(Yes this is one of my favorite excuses). I work at a call center and it amazes me how many people there weigh 3,4,5, hundred pounds. It is actually really sad. But without fail, those are the people taking 3 breaks to McDonalds, and making 5 trips to the vending machine, in a one day work period. I have absolutely NO place to judge anyone.
Some people may eat a lot and be over weight because well, it's their comfort, and life even genetics. All I am saying is, I wish as a society we were healthier. I have been taking lot's of medical classes, and each time I am amazed at the statistics for heart failure, obesity, diabetes, etc... There needs to be a happy medium. Ok I don't know how I went from body image to giving lectures on our society.. whatever. My motivation, is get active, but don't go overboard because that can lead to many problems too. Eat better. And just be happy. I think that you are allowed to complain about your weight if you are exercising and eating right, but if you're not shut your pie hole, put down the donut, and hop on the tred mill. Otherwise you are not going to have that hot Summer bod you keep dreaming about.
In my defense, I am taking a spinning class, cross fit, hip hop, and as of tomorrow, "training" for a half marathon. We shall see how that goes... not to mention I've lost 11 pounds thus far.


  1. i like this slash it made me depressed. ugggggh i need to figure out the priorities in my life. But i'm proud of you lexilicious, you are like the most motivated person about being healthy and fit, but take your own advice and don't let it go overboard. love you.

  2. Ha, how about eating a donut while incline walking on the treadmill?? Cause I did that last night (with a diet coke in the cup holder)... Way to go on 11 pounds lost! Although, seriously, I couldn't ever tell you gained 15. And yay for a half marathon!! You know that makes me happy :) I think you're beautiful.
